With the winter months just around the corner, there will be ample opportunity for Iowans to experience sprained ankles. They’re common for indoor sports such as basketball, and can occur when someone slips on ice.
Today, Core PT would like to offer these tips to decreasing your chances of spraining your ankle:
- Build up your strength
It’s not just bodybuilders or weightlifters who should be concerned about strength. Any time you work on your muscles, you decrease your chances of becoming injured. Squats, lunges and dips can all make your ankles stronger.Core strength is also important when it comes to preventing injuries. More hip control means your body won’t keep moving in the same direction if you abruptly change trajectory. This is important, because if your body pushes past what your ankle can control, you could fall. - Work on balance
Just as better strength can prevent injury, so can better balance. There are certain exercises that can help you improve it, such as standing on one foot while performing light upper-body exercises. If balance is a problem for you, there might be an underlying cause, which our team of physical therapists can help you address! - Flex
The third thing that can prevent sprained ankles is flexibility. 30-60 seconds of simple stretching after a light warm-up can increase the mobility on your lower leg. - Wear a brace.
If you do plan on participating in winter sports, it’s a good idea to brace or tape before you head onto the court. It encourages feedback between your ankle and the rest of your body, making you more aware of when you’re twisting in an unnatural position.
Core PT wants to encourage everyone to stay safe this holiday season. A few simple precautions such as the ones listed above can go far to make sure you stay on your feet. If you’re worried about experiencing a fall, make an appointment with one of our physical therapists today.